Saturday, April 26, 2008

Grails wins 2nd prize in JAX Innovation Award

Just read that Grails has won the Second prize (5.000 euro) in the yearly JAX Innovation Award. And that after Groovy won the First prize a year earlier. As Grails developers we know the Grails/Groovy platform is truly innovative compared to other web frameworks, but it is good to see the recognition from such a public award.

The JAX Innovation Award were presented and awarded to the winners during the conferences JAX, SOACON and Eclipse Forum Europe. The three conferences are taking place at the same time in Wiesbaden and represent the most important meeting for professional information technology in Europe.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Busy time in Grails plugin land: Announcing the OpenID plugin

It are busy times in Grails plugin land. This week the Searchable Plugin 0.4.1, Acegi Plugin 0.2.1, and the Authentication Plugin 1.0 were already released. And I've just added another one myself: the OpenID Plugin

While Marc Palmer was releasing his Authentication plugin, I was working one a OpenID plugin myself. When I was reading through the Authentication plugin documentation I really got inspired by some features of it. So I borrowed/copied some concepts of it to the OpenID plugin. Thanks Marc!

The OpenID plugin does all the plumbing to communicate with OpenID providers (using the OpenID4Java library) to authenticate/identify users for your website. The great thing is that you are in full control where the controller and the OpenID providers will redirect to in case of successfull login or error.

Here is an example:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
<meta name="layout" content="main" />
<openid:css />
<div class="nav">
<span class="menuButton"><a class="home" href="${createLinkTo(dir:'')}">Home</a></span>
</div class="body">

<div class="errors">
<openid:form success="[action:'loggedin']">
<openid:input size="30" value="http://" /> (e.g.
<g:submitButton name="login" value="Login" />

For full documentation see:

Friday, April 11, 2008

Update on Ext Scaffolding

I'm making some progress on the Ext Scaffolding for Grails.
Currently I can generate all CRUD functionality for a simple domain class with String properties.

It's done by overriding the default scaffolding templates (aka grails install-templates). So when finished the Ext plugin will contain a plugin to install these templates, which then can be used with the generate-all command.

See below some additional screenshots.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Sneak Preview: Ext Scaffolding for Grails

A short post just before the weekend. Have a look at the nice screenshots below, which are the result of Grails Ext Scaffolding templates I'am working on currently. I hope to include the templates in the Grails Ext plugin soon.